Learn more about GHG mitigation in animal production systems! Join our 2018 Joint Call Networking Events
The three ERA-NETs (FACCE ERA-GAS, ICT AGRI-FOOD and SUSAN) are organising a series of Networking Events featuring the 2018 Joint Call projects.
Want to to learn about innovative approaches to greenhouse gas reduction in animal production systems ? Join our Networking events!
Project coordinators will share insights into the pioneering research being conducted that is leading to interesting results and important potential impacts (open meetings).
Thursday 20th January 14:00 – 15:00 - GrASTech - Precision Livestock Farming Technologies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity of Pasture-based Cattle Systems
Thursday 27th January 09:30 – 11:00 -MilKey - Decision support system for sustainable and GHG optimised milk production in key European areas
GrassToGas - Strategies to mitigate GHG emissions from pasture based sheep systems
MELS -Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems
Thursday 3rd February 09:30 – 11:00 - SEASOLUTIONS -Seaweeds and seaweed-ingredients to reduce enteric methane emissions from pasture based sheep, cattle and dairy cows
FarmSustainaBl -Enabling Smart Livestock Farming Technologies for Environmental Sustainability using Blockchain
CCCFarming - Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems
Registration is now OPEN for these events at: https://forms.gle/S7d8M3wX7GZ9gW827
You can learn more about the 2018 Joint Call projects on the FACCE ERA-GAS or ERA-Net SusAn websites.
We look forward to exploring the innovations being developed in these projects with you!