Summer School
Early Career Researcher Summer School on greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring and mitigation in agriculture and forestry, 12-14 June, Amsterdam The Netherlands

The FACCE ERA-GAS Summer School “GHG Monitoring and Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry” for early career researchers was organised by FACCE ERA-GAS partner FNR on 12-13-14 June. It offered an invaluable opportunity for learning and networking during the Research Programme Meeting and dedicated sessions at the NCGG8, discussing GHG methodologies and inventory development with leading scientists and benefitting from interactive sessions focused on career development and funding opportunities. Most of the 19 participants were early career researchers from the FACCE ERA-GAS funded projects.
Participants came from Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden and New Zealand.
Each of the participants received either a Platinum or Gold award, covering a part of their traveling and accommodation costs. All received a certificate from FACCE ERA-GAS coordinator Frank O’Mara.